How much does a new boiler cost 2024?

It keeps you warm, washes your dishes, and prevents some pretty nippy showers, but how much does a boiler actually cost in 2024?

boiler engineer

New Boiler Costs and Considerations

We all know how much the cost of living has hit pretty much everything we buy these days from the fuel in our cars to the food in our stomachs.

If you haven’t replaced your boiler in years, or even decades, you are probably shaking at the idea of how much a gas boiler costs these days, but lets look at the facts before we start to panic too much.

A new boiler is a big investment, there is no getting around it. But it is also a chance to save money. Your old boiler will be nowhere near as energy efficient as it used to be, no matter how well you have looked after it.

You will almost certainly use less energy with a new boiler in place and enjoy a reduced energy bill at the same time.

The new boiler will also likely come with a warranty of anywhere from 1-15 years. Look for the manufacturer and boiler installer that offers a warranty towards the lengthier end of this scale and you will protect yourself from some serious repair bills further down the line.

How much does a boiler cost?       

Ok, enough waffle, let’s get down to the facts and figures.

On average, a new combi boiler costs around £1,500 with another £1,000-£1,500 on top of that to cover the cost of installation.

It sounds like a lot of money, and it certainly is, but remember that with the right care and regular servicing this is the unit that will control all your heating and hot water requirements for the next decade at least.

Other boiler types include system boilers that are slightly cheaper but not as efficient, and conventional boilers that are a bit more expensive but more suitable for larger properties with bigger heating needs.

Our Boiler Safety Checklist

Whether you have just bought a new boiler or are trying to keep your old one going that little bit longer, there are a few key safety tips we recommend on our boiler safety checklist.

  • Always use a Gas Safe Engineer when either installing a boiler, servicing it, or having it repaired.
  • Never attempt to remove the casing from your boiler or remove the control panel. If you can’t see the fix, you need an engineer. You probably need one anyway.
  • Gas leaks – If you smell gas, turn off the boiler, vacate the property and call the gas emergency number on 0800 111 999.
  • Install a carbon monoxide alarm close to the boiler. Carbon monoxide leaks can be fatal and are one of the biggest concerns of any gas boiler owner.
  • Read the manufacturer’s guide. Yes, we know, no-one likes reading instructions, but if it keeps your home and family safe, its probably (definitely) worth taking the time to read through the guide in detail.